






  1. 請將下列英文改寫意義相同之中文(不必逐字翻譯,但文意要相同) (60%)


  The theorists of the New Right offer a stark restatement of economic liberalism with is central role for the free market. An overarching claim is made that free markets maximize human welfare and in turn this unpacks as a series of interlinked claims: (a) economically, the claim is that as free market act efficiently to distribute knowledge and resources around the economic system, then material welfare will be maximized; (b) socially, the claim is that as action and responsibility for action reside with the person of the individual,  then liberal individualistic social systems will ensure that moral worth is maximized; (c) politically, the claim is that as liberalism offers a balanced solution to problems of deploying, distributing and controlling power, then liberal politics ensure that political freedom is maximized; and (d) epistemologically, the claims is that as the whole package is grounded in genuine positive scientific knowledge then in such systems the effective deployment of positive knowledge is maximized.      


  The substantive core of the package is made up of the claims in respect of  the functioning of the free market. The free market comprises atomistic individuals who know their own autonomously arising needs and wants and who make contracts with other individuals through the mechanism of the marketplace to satisfy those needs and wants. The market is a neutral mechanism for transmitting information about needs and wants, and goods which might satisfy them, around the system. A minimum state machine provides a basic legal and security system to underpin the individual contractual pursuit of private goals.


  1. 閱讀下列英文,並根據文中提供的資料,以中文回答問題(1)至問題



  The growing literature on East Asian economic development is dominated by conventional economic analysis that stress the comparative advantages through the workings of world market mechanisms. Recently, however, scholars have begun to pay close attention to the role of developmental states  in guiding and directing export-oriented industrialization through strategic intervention in the economy. Although this statist approach reveals important dimensions of the East Asian development pattern, it tends to overstress the independent role of the developmental state, paying insufficient attention to other, equally important sociopolitical forces such as social classes and core-periphery relations in the world economic system.

  Here I take a more comprehensive, albeit somewhat eclectic, approach, using an analytic framework advanced elsewhere. This approach assumes that development in a Third World country is shaped by the interplay of state, social classes, and world system. The focus of analysis is not the individual factors but the interaction among these three sets of variables. If we do not examine these variables in their dynamic interaction, I believe, we cannot delineate the specific ways in which each set of variables influences the development process. Dependency mechanisms, for example, cannot be specified until we have investigated the ways in which external forces are linked to internal class structure. Similarly, class relations in a peripheral nation cannot be adequately understood unless we consider the influence of international capital and core states. Finally, the role of the state in economic development cannot be fully understood without its being situated in the contexts of class structure and world economic system. Thus, a comprehensive framework of the political economy of Third World development must integrate these three sets of variables and comprehend the process of development as an outcome of their interaction.

  While the development process is shaped by the interplay of these structural conditions it also influences these conditions by generating new sociopolitical forces. Economic change often leads to a new configuration of the class structure, modifying relationships among social classes. Changing class relations affect the character of the state and its mode of intervention in the economy. Changes in state and class structure may subsequently result in modification of the ways in which a given economy. Changes in state and class structure may subsequently result in modification of the ways in which a given economy is integrated into the world economy. In short, economic development is both a dependent and an independent variable.


(1)    東亞經濟發展的傳統經濟分析,強調的重點是什麼?(10%)

(2)    以國家為中心的新分析取向,缺點是什麼?(10%)

(3)    作者提出的比較全面的分析架構,涵蓋了哪三組變數?(5%)


      (4) 根據作者的意見,為何經濟發展既是自變數,也是應變數?(10%)